Flower Series & Abstracts of Life

'And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much clothe you...' (Matthew 6:2830)

'All Seasons'
Pastel, 22 x 30 (ins.), 2010

'Calla Lillies'
Pastel. 30 x 22 (ins.), 2011

Pastel, 25 x 19.5 (ins.), 2013

'Purple Blooms'
Pastel. 30 x 22 (ins.), 2011

Pastel, 30 x 22 (ins.), 2011

Double Bloom
Pastel, 30 x 22 (ins.), 2011

From a Friend's Garden 
(John 15:1)
 Soft Pastel, 25 x 19 ins., 2005

Tulips Symphony of Hope
(Psalm 71: 5)
Acrylic on Canvas, 43"x70", 7'2019 (Commissioned)


#1, The Light has Come #1
  ( John 12:46)
      Ink, 16 x 11.76 ins., January 2017


 #2, The Light has Come #2
  ( John 12:46)
      Ink, 16 x 11.76 ins., January 2017


 #2, The Light has Come #3
  ( John 12:46)
      Ink, 16 x 11.76 ins., January 2017


#04, The Promise of a Heart of Flesh
 (Ezekiel 36:26)
 Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#05, They will be Called Oaks of Righteousness
 (Isaiah 61:3b)
 Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#06, Light Dawns in Darkness#1
 (Psalm 112:4)
Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., January 2017

#07, Light Dawns in Darkness#2
 (Psalm 112:4)
Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#08,  Light Dawns in Darkness#3
 (Psalm 112:4)
Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#09, Accomplishing His Purpose#1
 (Isaiah 55:11),\
 Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#09, Accomplishing His Purpose#2
 (Isaiah 55:11),\
 Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#09, Accomplishing His Purpose#3
 (Isaiah 55:11),\
 Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#09, Accomplishing His Purpose#4
 (Isaiah 55:11),\
 Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#09, Accomplishing His Purpose#5
 (Isaiah 55:11),\
 Ink, 16 x 11.75 ins., April 2017

#14, His Word is Living and Active#1
 (Hebrews 4:12)
 Ink & Poster Color, 16 x 11.75 ins., May 2017

#14, His Word is Living and Active#2
 (Hebrews 4:12)
 Ink & Poster Color, 16 x 11.75 ins., May 2017

#16, Your Words Give Light
 (Psalm 119:130)
 Ink and Poster color, 16 x 11.75 ins., May 2017

#17,  Joy & Peace Overcoming#1 
(Romans 15:13) 
 Ink and Poster color, 16 x 11.75 ins., January 2017

#18,  Joy & Peace Overcoming#2 
(Romans 15:13) 
 Ink and Poster color, 16 x 11.75 ins., May 2017

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